Bird Saline Conqueror "Les Triplettes de Bonneville"

FRENCH, - this concept bike designed by designer Charles-Edouard Berche, Ugo Spagnolo, Adrien Fuinesl, Frederic Dobbelstein, and Jean-Phillipe Paries of ISD in Valenciennes, France. They named her work was Saline Bird who contrived to carve out a record speed of "Les Tripelettes de Bonneville".

The uniqueness of two-wheeled vehicles is not just in terms of saddle-like shape with a racing bike combined single sokbreker under saddle. This motor is driven by air-pressure machines supplied from three units of tank capacity 27 liters.

Tank position is quite unique. Two units parallel to the saddle, while the other is under the second tank dive position. Framework to put the air tank is made of carbon fiber material. Body panels replaced with leather.

Then, the rider when the gush, the position was formed as more people skiing. The goal, to reduce wind resistance. Interestingly, if you want to take to the road, handle bar can be replaced.

There is one that is not disclosed its creators. How much power this bird Saline.


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